Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pumpkin Patch and childbirth reunion

Slaed searching for the perfect pumpkin. 
Showing off his good finds. 
Bergen was very, very tired after all the pumpkin festivities.

Then Bergen got to meet his friends from childbirth class...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bergen is 2 months old!

Bergen did a great job at his 2 month check-up.  He was very well behaved and showed off his smiling, cooing, and head holding skills! 
Here are his updated stats: 
Weight: 12 pounds, 0 ounces
Length: 23.5 inches
Head Circumference: 41 centimeters

Friday, October 14, 2011

Teacher Bergen

Our first "Roots of Empathy" visit was this week! We had so much fun, and found out that Bergen weighs about 13 pounds now. Roots of Empathy is a program that raises social/emotional skills, and increases empathy in children.  We are working with a 2nd grade class at Coe (the school I taught at).  We visit once a month, and the kids learn by watching Bergen, and our interactions with him.

Monday, October 10, 2011

It's a family affair...

We've been so lucky to have lots of family visitors to meet Bergen.
Great Aunt Fae

Grandma Spiller

 Great Great Aunt Barbara (Great Great "Unk" was in the kitchen cooking!)

Great Uncle Dennis and Great Aunt Jackie
Grandpa Spiller

Aunt Molly

2nd Cousin Vaughn

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bergen's 1st Mariner's Game

Last game of the season against the Oakland A's! We lost, but Bergen loved sitting at the Dave Niehaus statue, and meeting the MOOOOSE! He also got his first baseball cap!