Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rat City Roller Girls

 We went to our first Roller Derby on Saturday.  It's quite an event, and very hard to understand at first.  We caught on just enough by the end. 
Our favorite roller girls: 
Slaed--The Sun Shiner
Kate--Nehi Nightmare
Bergen--Sugar n' Creamer

Slaed and Bergen with the mascot. Bergen wasn't so sure.

Bergen and Slaed checking out the action

Bergen can't wait for his next bout!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Top Pot Doughnuts...

It's a Kate & Slaed tradition to go to Top Pot doughnuts when it snows. It's a bit of a hike so it makes it that much more okay to enjoy one of their tasty creations. We've been celebrating this tradition for many years.  Norman started joining us, and now Bergen! Seattle has been hit with A LOT of snow this week.  Here are some photos of our Top Pot journey.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas in the Bay Area

We finally got to meet Baby Anderson!
 Signe with her new harmonica.

 Bergen's San Francisco cousins: Signe & Anderson

 Learning time with Curious George.

 A hike around Potrero Hill with Judy/Grandma

 Aunt Molly with her nephews!

Christmas time in Seattle

In line to visit Santa...
A chilly walk on Elliott Bay

Volunteer Park Conservatory