Monday, June 25, 2012

Aunt Molly! & a half marathon!

Molly & Dave with me at the finish line.
The whole gang.
Columbia Winery.
Bergen loved the Koi fish at our breakfast spot.
Molly checking out the salmon at the locks.
Soccer is serious business.
Sending the Californians off with a NW meal.
What a fun weekend!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bring back the Super Sonics!

Bergen is hoping the Sonics come back to town so he went to the rally to support the cause.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bergen in New York & Connecticut

Playing with Grandpa
Fun with Cousin Christine
Trying out Pop's special hat              

Bergen & Grandma K
Bathtime with Cousin Maeve!
Henry & Maeve


Bergen visits Allyn, WA

Bergen's Great Grandma & Grandpa Bosley used to live in Allyn, WA. We visited a couple of weeks ago while on the Kitsap Penninsula. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Rocky Mountain High

Bergen loved the trampoline at Beth's house. 

Beth, Slaed & Bergen       
Lori & Bergen
Katie & Bergen

Kesler & Bergen

Adam, Tessa, Trevor, Heidi, Slaed, Bergen & Kate at Table Mountain Inn in Golden
Fun at the Cuneo's: Doug, Heidi, & Timmy

Smiling like Aunt Liz (@ Beaujo's Pizza)

Red Rocks
Thanks, Grandpa!